DIY or Professional Anti Termite Treatment Service?

Termite problems are rapidly growing that makes you want to do anti termite treatment yourself. However, it may not be the best option as you thought. Quite frankly, there are several risks if you were to attempt termite treatment methods on your own. But, we’ve listed the pros and cons here for you to decide […]


Anti termite: Can We Kill Termites Forever?

Anti-termite treatment is your go-to pest control to kill termites We are always asked the question ‘can you get rid of termites forever?’ Honestly speaking, if you want to get rid of termites effectively, a good start is to study them – their background, lifestyle, and traps. Truth be told, we need termites but just […]

Clever Pest Control Tips For Rainy Season in Malaysia

Pest control tips during the rainy season is absolutely crucial since Malaysia has 2 monsoon seasons throughout the year. It’s the rainy season, but there are some uninvited guests over – pests! Mainly it’s because pests have no food or shelter due to the rain. Therefore, your home is the one place for them to […]


Get Rid of Bed Bugs Permanently in Malaysia

You must get rid of bed bugs fast because they lay where we sit and sleep. They can even infest seats on public transportation or public places. There are many other ways for you to know if there is an infestation either on your bed, blanket, pillows, and any fabric material. The key signs are small […]


Get Rid of Cockroaches: Effective Home Remedies

Despite their size, cockroaches are a big nuisance so you must get rid of cockroaches fast. On top of that, seeing them roam around in the house at night aches our eyes even more. Why trouble yourself in getting rid of them when you can prevent their infestation from the start?


How to Choose the Right Pest Control Service in Malaysia

Best Pest Control Service in Malaysia Practicing preventive measures requires extensive knowledge of the pest control service. Plus, some pests are harder to control so you need a reliable and advanced pest control to help. Like any other service, the top factor you should focus on is quality. Cost is important, but putting in above […]

5 Clever Tips for Termite Control in Malaysia

Termite control in Malaysia is crucial Termites are merciless and active throughout the whole year in Malaysia. You may feel like there’s nothing to worry about but these wood-chewing pests are smarter than you think. Therefore, guard your home with these proven and clever tips to combat these pesky pests.

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